What A World It Would Be

What a world it would be
If we were allowed time to explore passions
And learn life lessons through experience
Instead of having piles and piles
Of strenuous and tedious homework

What a world it would be
If our ideas weren’t pushed to fit between margins
Suppressed out of existence
And totally disregarded
Just to fit into these meaningless standards

What a world it would be
If we actually had control
Over our imagination and creativity
Instead of being told to think
But with the expectation
Of following a strict path

What a world it would be
If we could also learn the past of others
And not just from our perspective
So that we know what others have been through
Not for sympathy
But so we see
That we may not be so different

What a world it would be
If at a young age
We were made to understand
Togetherness, acceptance and kindness
Straight from the heart
Maybe some people wouldn’t have been pushed
To do the unimaginable 

What a world it would be 
If our classes reflected real life issues
That would help us navigate the real world
Instead of being told that every single thing 
We saw in a textbook
Was what we were expected to know
For no just reason

What a world it would be
If we learned at our own pace
For our own benefit and fulfilment
Rather than making our priorities
“Having a high score”

What a world it would be
If we wanted our work to have high quality
Not for the entertainment of teachers
But to be able to beat our chests
And say “I did that”

What a world it would be 
If we could take our sleep seriously
If we didn't have to overcome 
Mountains on the daily
Because by day comes stress
And by night comes even more work

Oh what a world it would be
If  “the future” was guided properly
If we were given a wider path
If we could understand simple things
If we were allowed to explore
Only then can we change
What a world it can be


  1. Love this poem!! Your thoughts were explained so clearly.


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