A Twisted Truth
A twisted world
That was once filled with high spirits
Is now filled with a weary lifelessness
Empty streets that months ago held the buzz of a lively city
Bright flashing lights, wide-open windows, a solid handshake
Morning traffic, a child scrambling to catch her bus.
A week flys by, and suddenly,
A ghastly feeling arises
A woman diagnosed with a virus unheard of,
Could not cause a man living an entire continent apart
To one morning wake up, and report the same dry cough,
Could it?
A month flies by, and suddenly,
Hospital waiting rooms are filled with panic
Shelves unstocked
An elderlies' last breath
An overwhelmed nurse overworking herself
Feeling distant from her family
Physically and emotionally drained
Lines on her face from wearing her mask for 9-hour shifts
Wrinkles on her palms from the sweat inside her gloves
Her hands cracked and dry
The anxious patter of a man’s foot
Awaiting the result of a test swab.
The piercing scream of a young girl,
Who suffers from abuse
Her trembling body painted with bruises
Who’s safe space can no longer be called her school
Was it really worth it?
A careless family function
A job opportunity
An important business meeting
Are the rumors true?
If it was not a race’s colour who started a global pandemic,
Then why is it assumed to be?
Does it, all of a sudden, give us a privilege?
To say that we were not the ones to start it,
But to point fingers,
To avoid judgment? A shameful stare?
Devastating floods in Indonesia,
A disastrous volcanic eruption in the Philippines.
The media remains unwilling to focus itself,
Like an unfocused camera lens, blurry, missing every detail.
Zoomed in, on only one image, like a one-sided argument
Yet another point of view goes unheard.
The horror taking place behind the walls of concentration camps in China
A Muslim's soft cry cannot be heard.
Are you still complaining?
Is a lost season really that bad?
Or will you take a step back, look at the bigger picture,
And realize
We live in a twisted world
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